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A New Article by James St. André
香港中文大學翻譯系沈安德(James St. André)教授出版新作。他的文章Implications of computer code translation for translation studies,在今年五月由出版於國際知名刊物Translation Studies, 該刊被SSCI與A&HCI收錄,系翻譯學頂級期刊之一。
This article explores the intersection of the translation of machine code and translation of natural languages. Starting with the deep-seated metaphor the brain is a computer, this study demonstrates the extent to which computer science, cognitive science, linguistics and translation are intertwined. The parallels between difficulties of translating computer code and natural languages point to the failure to find a workable interlingua and the importance of complexity studies and emergent properties for both fields. Thus translation studies would do well to examine more carefully the extent to which a computational understanding of the brain has shaped basic concepts and approaches to translation. At the same time, homologies between the market for translation of computer languages and natural languages and the need in programming to be more sensitive to the needs of non-English speakers suggests that translation studies has much to offer to computer science.