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Volume 3, Number 2 (December 2019)
  晚清譯家吳檮的「對譯」實踐與文體風格 1
  吳燕(Yan Wu  
  「高臨民眾的上頭」—辛酉劇社《狗底跳舞》的翻譯與演出 33
  李佳偉(Jiawei Li  
  兩個世界的對話:《西遊記》的英譯與《西遊記》的研究 59
  吳曉芳(Xiaofang Wu  
  Beyond Reception Politics of Gibran’s The Earth Gods: A Symptomatic Reading of Two Arabic Translations 93
  Hisham M. Ali  
  Book Reviews
  The Organization of Distance: Poetry, Translation, Chineseness. By Lucas Klein 115
  Thomas J. Mazanec  
  New Directions in Empirical Translation Process Research: Exploring the CRITT TPR-DB. Edited by Michael Carl, Srinivas Bangalore, and Moritz Schaeffer 122
  Yuxiang Wei  
  Mystifying China’s Southwest Ethnic Borderlands: Harmonious Heterotopia. By Yang Yuqing 128
  Duncan Poupard  
  Notes on Contributors 135
  Notice to Contributors 137
  Ethics Statements  
  Special Issues Guidelines  
吳燕(Yan Wu)
多摩大學 (Tama University)




Wu Tao was an important and mysterious translator in the translation field during the period of the late Qing Dynasty. He only has a few works published, but his translation style is too unique to be neglected. Through chronologically arranging all his existing works, and closely comparing and analyzing them with their Japanese originals, this paper summarizes three important factors that constitute the unique style of Wu Tao’s translation: the incorporation of various elements such as Japanese original typesetting and even punctuation into the translated texts; simulating and recreating the “breathing of the text,” i.e., to imitate the breaking up of the original Japanese sentences as much as possible; maintaining the exact order of the Chinese words. This paper holds that Wu Tao’s translation strategy can be regarded as a practical form of the “translation” method of word-translating, but it does not stop there. This kind of translation method is a product stem from the unique historical situation when the literati in the late Qing Dynasty encountered the Meiji Japanese writing style. It also opens a new possibility for the modern transformation of the vernacular style.

李佳偉(Jiawei Li
香港中文大學 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


1929 年5 月18日,辛酉劇社愛美的劇團上演了由朱穰丞翻譯、導演的安德烈耶夫的《狗底跳舞》。此劇是為辛酉劇社公演而重新翻譯的劇本,但其選材與翻譯方法皆不符合愛美劇團演出的旨趣。朱穰丞希望以高水平藝術引導觀眾,選擇其認為有價值的劇本,並在翻譯中試圖展現原劇面貌。本文將使用幾組或被忽視,或不為人知的史料,通過文本細讀與歷史語境的考察研究此劇的翻譯與演出,並追溯背後的思想資源。《狗底跳舞》的特殊呈現方式體現了愛美劇場演出外國劇本時採取翻譯策略的動態性與複雜性。


On 18 May 1929, Xinyou Drama Society staged Leonid Andreev’s The Waltz of the Dogs, which was translated and directed by Zhu Rangcheng. The choice of the playtext was different from those staged by Shanghai amateur drama groups, so were the translation methods adopted. Zhu Rangcheng expected to educate the audience by showing them real art, so he chose what he thought to be of high artistic value and tried to represent the original in his translation. Referring to several less–used or unknown sources, this article first analyzes the features presented in the production of the play, and then explores the reasons behind and the impact it had on both Xinyou and other amateur drama groups in Shanghai. The production of The Waltz of the Dogs reveals the dynamic and interactive nature of the translation activities on Shanghai stage.

吳曉芳(Xiaofang Wu
香港中文大學 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)




The research on the English translation of The Journey to the West has received growing attention from the academia over the past ten years or so, with new research results emerging constantly. However, scholars have focused solely on the study of individual translations or comparative analyses of various translations of the novel, and seldom examined the English translation history of The Journey to the West from a diachronic perspective; nor have they compared it to the history of studies on the fiction itself, exploring the interaction between translation and research. This paper will use first-hand archival sources, combine textual analysis with historical contextualization, and integrate the research approaches of different disciplines such as translation studies, literature, history and religion, in order to reveal how the English translation history of The Journey to the West is related to and interacts with its academic history.

Beyond Reception Politics of Gibran’s The Earth Gods: A Symptomatic Reading of Two Arabic Translations
Hisham M. Ali
University of Leuven


Part of a larger study on the viability and relevance of symptomatic reading practice to the much broader scope of reception theory and translation criticism, this article investigates a range of discontinuities in two Arabic translations of Gibran’s The Earth Gods, one by the Archimandrite Anthony Bashir and the other by Egypt’s Minister of Culture Tharwat Okasha. Putting to work the methodological assumptions of Venuti’s symptomatic reading, instances of religious correctness and (in)determinacy are examined within the framework of reception theory, specifically Fish’s theory of interpretive communities, to explore how texts work upon individuals to create a community and how a community works upon a text to generate meaning. The analysis ends with a discussion of the temporality of the translators’ interventions and the historicity of reception, with a particular focus on the paratextual reviews of the critical establishment as a situational interpretive community. The symptomatic reading offers pointers as to how the translators experimented with the metaphysical system of Gibran.