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Volume 6, Number 1 (June 2022)
  Special Issue  
  Hong Kong Translation History  
  「作為一名國際代理人」:威妥瑪(Thomas Francis Wade, 1818–1895)在香港的政治翻譯等活動 1
  馬騰飛(Tengfei Ma  
  香港早期文學期刊連載的翻譯研究:以《新小說叢》(1907–1908)為例 53
  李波(Bo Li  
  「新的文化中心」的建設:香港《立報.言林》與葉靈鳳的文學翻譯(1938–1941) 79
  張蕾(Lei Zhang  
  閱讀與翻譯:黃思騁的閱讀史與香港《人人文學》的翻譯選材 115
  劉韵柔(Yunrou Liu  
  Book Reviews
  Cultural Transfer Reconsidered: Transnational Perspectives, Translation Processes, Scandinavian and Postcolonial Challenges. Edited by Steen Bille Jørgensen and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink 147
  Leo Tak-hung Chan  
  Detecting Chinese Modernities: Rupture and Continuity in Modern Chinese Detective Fiction (1896–1949). By Yan Wei 154
  Wei Jiang, Eric  
  Ricci Dictionary of Chinese Law, Chinese-English, French. Edited by Hubert Bazin 160
  Yan Wang  
  Notes on Contributors 165
  Notice to Contributors 169
  Ethics Statements 177
  Special Issues Guidelines  
「作為一名國際代理人」:威妥瑪(Thomas Francis Wade, 1818–1895)在香港的政治翻譯等活動
馬騰飛 (Tengfei Ma)
中國香港 香港中文大學

摘 要

威妥瑪(Thomas Francis Wade, 1818–1895)是英國著名外交官和漢學家。1842年6月2日,身為中尉的他抵達香港,隨英軍第98軍團參與中英第一次鴉片戰爭。在香港休整期間,自學中文,並希望成為「一名國際代理人」,即官方譯員。1846年1月,他再次來到香港,並放棄軍銜,擔任外交譯員。直到1852年3月離開,他在香港工作長達六年之久。不過,他在香港擔任譯員的這段經歷幾乎被學界所忽視,大多數中外學者都只處理他的外交官身份和漢學家身份。



Thomas Francis Wade (1818–1895) was a famous British diplomat and sinologist. On 2 June 1842, he arrived in Hong Kong as a lieutenant and then participated in the first Sino-British Opium War with the British 98th regiment. During his convalescence in Hong Kong, he taught himself the Chinese language and hoped to be “an international agent” (an official interpreter). In January 1846, he returned to Hong Kong and gave up his military rank to serve as a diplomatic interpreter. After working in Hong Kong for approximately six years, he left for London in March 1852. However, little research has been done on Wade as a diplomatic interpreter in Hong Kong. Academic attention, both Chinese and English alike, has been mostly paid to him as a diplomat or a sinologist only.

Based on a large volume of first-hand materials, the present article reconstructs Wade’s experience “as an international agent” in Hong Kong. By analyzing his translation of Peking Gazette, his study on the Chinese government and conditions, his translation of the twelfth chapter of the Hai-kwoh Tu Chi, and his study of the Chinese army, this paper shows that he actively adjusted the scope of his role as an international agent in accordance with the changes in the politicodiplomatic situation, thereby influencing the relationship between Britain and China. Casting light on the importance of diplomatic interpreters in shaping modern Sino-British relations, this article points out that Wade, as an interpreter, was actively involved in politicodiplomatic activities through translation and research while in Her Majesty’s service and, as an interpreter, had his own political, diplomatic, and cultural agenda.

李波 (Bo Li)
中國香港 嶺南大學

摘 要



Substantial research has been done on the translations in literary periodicals in Shanghai at the turn of the twentieth century, while the literary periodicals in Hong Kong remain largely unattended. This paper will offer a panoramic view of the serialized literary translation in Xinxiaoshuo cong 新小說叢 (Collection of new fiction) (1907–1908) in Hong Kong from “internal dialogics” and “external dialogics.” The case study will focus on the Chinese translation of The File No. 113 by early French detective writer, Emile Gaboriau, in the periodical. Comparison will be made with another Chinese rendition in Xiaoshuo lin 小說林 (Fiction forest). This paper aims to investigate the serialized literary translation in Hong Kong periodicals and make a comparison between the two Chinese versions of the abovementioned case from three aspects, namely the women image, the legal system and jurisdiction, and religion. The study aims to reveal the interaction between translation and society in the two cities.

張蕾 (Lei Zhang)
中國 蘇州大學

摘 要



Lih Pao was published in Hong Kong in 1938 and ceased publication in 1941. Ye Lingfeng was the editor of Yan Lin, a supplement of Hong Kong’s Lih Pao. With his efforts, Yan Lin showed the characteristics of “cosmopolitan.” Ye Lingfeng supported the layout of Yan Lin through serial translation works. From Red Wings Fly East to The Fox, Ye Lingfeng contributed a series of translations to Yan Lin, which not only had practical significance, but also reflected the obvious literary orientation. As a New Literature writer, Ye Lingfeng’s translation value goes beyond the translation itself. With mainland writers coming south, Hong Kong became a center of New Culture and New Literature during the war. Yan Lin has played an important role in the development of New Literature in Hong Kong. If we consider the three types of subject matter of the articles published in Yan Lin, the reporting of domestic literature and the introduction of foreign works are connected with the construction of local literature in Hong Kong. Ye Lingfeng’s translation reflects the reliance on Western writers and literary translation in the period of New Literature construction. The excellent translations of Yan Lin such as Early Love have become a model of New Literary creation and integrate into the literary history of Hong Kong.

劉韵柔 (Yunrou Liu)
中國 南京郵電大學

摘 要

1952 年,文學刊物《人人文學》在香港誕生。目前學界認為《人人文學》由美國出資創辦,刊物中的文學翻譯也因而被認為是1950年代美國在港翻譯計劃的一環。事實上,《人人文學》並未直接接受美方支持,所以其翻譯活動不是政治宣傳的工具,而是編者黃思騁文學思想的體現。本文使用一些學界鮮少討論的材料,梳理黃思騁的閱讀史,分析其文學知識的建構,並在此基礎上討論他的文學知識如何影響《人人文學》的翻譯選材。希望閱讀史的研究方法可以為研究香港的南來文人提供新路徑。


In 1952, Everyman’s Literature, a literary periodical, was established in Hong Kong. The present scholarship contends that the periodical was financially supported by the US, and the literary translations in the periodical were an inseparable part of the American translation scheme in the 1950s Hong Kong. In fact, Everyman’s Literature did not directly receive the financial support, therefore its translations were not political tools. Instead, the editor Huang Sicheng brilliantly orchestrated the translations to show and promote his literary ideas. Referring to the sources that have been barely broached, this article scrutinizes Huang’s reading history, explores his acquisition of the knowledge of literature, and further discusses the impact of his knowledge system on the choice of the translated texts in Everyman’s Literature. With the perspective of reading history, the paper hopes to open up a new analytical path for the study on the mainland literati in Hong Kong.