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Issue 8 (2003)
  胡適與英詩翻譯 1
  文學革命與翻譯:從多元系統理論看《新青年》的翻譯 21
  英譯《紅樓夢》幽默話語翻譯的語用推理 39
  Register Analysis for Translation Evaluation: A Theory in Point 51
  LIU Zequan  
  Striving for Accuracy: The Rendition of Plant Names in Bilingual Dictionary 75
  Jerome Cheng-lung SU  
  Compilation of English-Chinese Dictionaries: The User's Perspective 91
  LI Defeng  
  To Design an English-Chinese Dictionary of Legal Rules, Principles, and Ratio Decidendi 117
  LEE Yuk Ming  
  An English-Cantonese Dictionary Arranged by Semantic Areas 137
  Robert S. BAUER  
  Special Issues Guidelines  
  Ethics Statements  
Hu Shih and the Translation of English Poetry

This paper is an exploration of Hu Shih, a poet-translator with some cultural authority, and his theory and practice of English poetry translation in the early twentieth century. The discussion will focus, in the light of Western translation theory, on the literary norms, poetics, and ideology of the poet-translator's rewriting of the source text. This approach will lead on to new insights on the translation strategies, the transfer of language from wen yan to baih hua in poetic translation, and the influence of the translated texts on poetic writing in the target culture.

Translation and Literary Revolution: An Analysis of the Translated Works in The New Youth from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory
LAM Lap Wai

The translation boom dating back to the late-Qing China reached its heyday in the May Fourth era when the so-called “Literary Revolution” broke out. Although the role of translation in this revolutionary literary movement has been examined before, the computerization of historical texts gives us a new vantage point to review this issue. This essay sets out to complement previous studies with quantitative evidence. It differs from the earlier studies in its quantitative approach, a methodology that is gaining momentum in the filed of intellectual history. Instead of giving an impressionistic description, it is aimed at providing a portrayal of The New Youth (a.k.a. La Jeunesse, the most significant journal during the May Fourth era) based on quantitative data. The proportion of translated texts in each volume of The New Youth was calculated and taken as an indicator of the importance people attached to translation. Polysystem theory, a descriptive translation theory formulated by Even-Zohar, was used as the theoretical framework within which the quantitative data was analyzed.

The Pragmatic Interference of Humorous Discourse in Two English Versions of the Hong Lou Meng
LU Shisheng

This paper examines some examples culled from two English versions, The Story of the Stone and A Dream of Red Mansions, of the Hong Lou Meng, a Chinese classic, translated by David Hawkes and Yang Xianyi, respectively. The author of this paper holds that a translator should focus on the equivalence of conversational implicature hangs heavily on pragmatic presuppositions of discourse. Thus, non-equivalence of a translated humorous discourse will probably arise if presuppositions of the discourse concerned are not handled properly. A translator is then expected to supplement presuppositions in the target text if necessary to ensure the equivalence of conversational implicature. In this regard, pragmatic inference provides a theoretical framework for us to study equivalence relating to the translation of humorous discourse.




大部分譯者碰到源語( source language )裡不熟悉植物的名字大多依賴雙語詞典來解決問題。由於譯者本身大多不是植物專家,因此樂於接受詞典提供的目標語( target language )譯名。如果詞典裡列了一種以上的譯名,偶爾譯者可能要從中擇一。但少有譯者會懷疑他╱她所查到的譯名是否正確。還有,如果譯名有好幾個,在選擇時恐怕也是自由心證,少有人真正知道如何判別。

本文旨在介紹一個方便有效的方法,就是透過主要的單語大學詞典( monolingual college dictionary )讓譯者在翻譯植物名稱時能更準確。此外,藉著討論英漢雙語詞典中幾個常見的誤譯,以及《哈利‧波特》中譯本裡 privet 一詞,中國大陸版譯為「女貞」,而台灣版譯成「水蠟樹」等實例,讓譯者清楚如何運用筆者所介紹的方法。


學者大多認同詞典的優劣主要取決於其在多大程度上滿足了使用者的需求。然而在現實中,詞典編纂者往往認定他們對於詞典的微觀和宏觀結構的認識與使用者是相吻合的。儘管市場上有很多英漢詞典,但對其使用者需求的實證性研究卻屈指可數,許多獲學者好評的詞典卻不受使用者歡迎。因而未來的英漢詞典若要更好地實現其目標,至關重要的則是更好地瞭解使用者的需求。本論文報告的是 2002 年在香港就英漢詞典使用者的需求所做的一項調查。作者期望本調查的一些結果和建議會對中國及世界其他區域的詞典編撰提供一些指導和參考。



