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Issue 7 (2002)
  Source-text Acting as Stimuli: A Text-processing Account for Translational Contrasts 1
  HE Yuanjian  
  Intercultural Semiosis: Corporeal Semantics and Translation (Chinese-English) 17
  Horst RUTHROF, SONG Xianlin  
  An Evaluation of Traditional English-Chinese Translation Criteria for Internet-related Technological Terms: A Study Using Multivariate Analysis 45
  LI Shu  
  Translation Dictionaries and Bilingual Dictionaries -- Two Different Concepts 59
  Sven TARP  
  Producing Dictionaries Using Semantic Domains 85
  Ronald MOE  
  「他者」與「我者」的對話──漢詩英譯過程中的審美感應 95
  新聞編譯的原則與策略 113
  Book Review: Language Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting, edited by Birgitta Englund Dimitrova and Kenneth Hyltenstam 135
  David MAK Lai-woon  
  Special Issues Guidelines  
  Ethics Statements  

作者首先指出,同一文本的不同譯文,其語言有對立性特徵,構成語言學上的對比研究並引電影中譯英為例,證明字幕與配音的語言特徵相互對立:字幕語言往往更加突出源語特徵,而配音則富於譯語特徵。作者指出這個現象可以用 Eskola 的「引發理論」和 Holmes 的「文本處理模式」來解釋,並闡述兩者的具體運作過程和外在因素如何影響這些過程的關係,富啟發性。




本文運用多元分析法對翻譯標準結構進行分析,嘗試以非思辨的方法揭示出眾多標準間最本質的聯繫。作者將網絡新辭彙按照「信、達、雅」和「準確、通順、易懂」的翻譯原則以及「採編意願」標準,對 140 名新加坡雙語人士進行測試。對翻譯六原則(標準)的因素分析獲得了只有一個因素的最簡單結構。經逐步回歸,各標準對採編意願貢獻的大小順利為:雅、易懂、達、通順、信、準確,這與翻譯三原則所規定的優先序列截然相反。「雅」和「易懂」能預示 30.2% 的採編意願變化量。

翻譯字典和雙語字典 ── 兩個不同的概念
斯文 ‧ 塔普

作者指出,要弄清楚詞彙學與翻譯的關係,要提出的問題是:字典可以怎樣幫助譯者解決翻譯過程中出現的問題?作者認為,要解決翻譯過程中經常出現的問題,單語字典和「逆向」雙語字典(例如由 L1 譯成 L2 ,便要用 L2-L1 字典)是極為有用的工具書。作者闡釋了雙語字典和翻譯字典的概念,然後從翻譯角度討論當代字典功能的理論,並將翻譯過程中出現的問題分門別類,以釐清詞彙學對譯者的用處。作者最後討論怎樣的字典(包括單語和雙語字典)對譯者最有幫助,進而提出翻譯字典的完整構思。

羅納德 ‧ 莫伊

翻譯工作基本上是要在許多語義相關的譯入語字詞中選擇取捨,找出意思與譯出語相同的字詞。做這種工作,雙語字典並無大用,因為字詞沒有相互參照,亦沒有按語義歸類。在英語世界裡,同義詞字典 Roget's Thesaurus 大受歡迎,可見字詞按語義分類用處很大。字詞同時按字母序和語義編排,大大方便檢索。按語義類目來編字典亦方便學者做語義研究,因為從類目入手研究語義問題會較逐字研究有更新發現。所以,利用語義類目的清單,可以大大提高字典的效率,這樣的字典也會更加有用。本文作者應用這種編纂技巧的經驗非常豐富,曾經處理過不少非洲和菲律賓的少數語言。

Dialogue Between "The Other and I": Two Forms of Aesthetic Stimulus-response in Translation of Poems from Chinese to English
LIU Huawen

In translating poems, the translator adopts forms of aesthetic stimulus-response. This essay is a study of two differently oriented forms: the “Other”-oriented and “I”-oriented stimulus responses. An in-depth analysis is undertaken of their psychological structures, their interactions between “the Other” and “I”, in addition to their approaches to the relationship of “form” ( xing ) and “spirit” ( shen ), “void” ( xu ) and “actuality” ( shi ).

Principles and Strategies of Trans-editing for the News Media
Maria CHENG Po-suen

Translation is more-or-less a juggling act, a considered balance between content and form, what to leave in or leave out, and what to accept or reject. Any discussion of news translation inevitably involves the differences between electronic and print media, the special characteristics of journalistic language, what news is considered essential or local, and the limitations of space. Based on all these factors, it appears that news translation is neither “faithful” nor can it be said to be entirely translation. Since news translation is also a component of news reporting, there are certain stylistic restrictions that have to be taken into account while translating, which naturally has a bearing on the editorial process. Trans-editing, therefore becomes an important procedure in the transmission of contemporary foreign news.

