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Charlotte Ip's story published on the UNAI website
Our student Charlotte Ip’s story has been featured on the website of United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). Charlotte, representing our dedicated translation teams, shared her experience in translating UNAI’s sustainable development newsletters into Chinese for a global audience.
The translator’s story is accessible at https://www.un.org/en/academic-impact/meet-our-volunteer-translator-charlotte
“UNAI saw me grow not only as a translator and a team player but also as a person and a leader. I am extremely fortunate to be selected twice for this internship and entrusted with the project manager post in the second. As the gatekeeper for the team, I soon realized that the greatest challenge is not to ensure accuracy, but to get past accuracy to achieve idiomatic writing, in other words, to think like a reader. It was being the leader that I began to truly evaluate myself as part of the many unseen readers behind the screen, part of what I have been doing this for. And from there, I began to see the “life” I could breathe into these seemingly static narratives.
I think what this internship experience taught me is that you can make a difference in all shapes and forms. I hope like the selfless stars featured in the articles we can all find a way to leverage our strengths for the sustainability of the world.”