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Professor Lawrence Wang-chi Wong wins prestigious Wenjin Book Award for his latest book
Professor Lawrence Wang-chi, Wong’s monograph, 龍與獅的對話:翻譯與馬戛爾尼訪華使團 (Dialogue Between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation and the Macartney Mission, 東方出版中心 Orient Publishing Center, 2023) has been awarded the prestigious 19th Wenjin Book Award by the National Library of China, recognizing its outstanding academic contribution.
As the Wenjin Book Awards Committee noted, Professor Wong's interdisciplinary work showcases nuanced linguistic and cultural insights into the 1793 Macartney Mission through extensive archival research and rigorous analysis. The book reexamines this inaugural diplomatic encounter between China and Britain through the lens of translation, illuminating the intricacies of early Sino-British relations by dissecting the backgrounds of the mission’s interpreters and analyzing the translation and reinterpretation of diverse documents, such as letters of state and imperial edicts. The book provides a comprehensive re-evaluation of this pivotal event and makes a compelling case for the importance of translation in China’s early diplomacy. Through his fresh perspective and thorough archival research, Prof. Wong has advanced scholarly understanding in fields like the history of translation in modern China and the history of Sino-British diplomacy.
We congratulate Professor Wong on this well-deserved national recognition of his research accomplishments.