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Our student Wing Lam Hui shares her inspiring exchange journey at University College London
Being on an exchange programme was actually not part of my plan until I realised, “Why don’t I just give it a try?” And there I was, going on exchange to University College London (UCL) and spending a magical four months abroad, living a new life that I never would have imagined.
My first impression of London was its aristocratic streets, fantastic galleries, lively pubs, vibrant markets, and random conversations with strangers. However, as weeks went by, I began to get accustomed to the bus delays, rail strikes, and the unpredictable weather – London is lovely, but it would be way better if the weather was sunnier. The classes there were refreshingly different too. There was an archaeology course in which the course leader would take us to different places in the city and talk about the history of London. Until then, I didn’t know that London was once ruled by the Roman Empire. In fact, there are plenty of Roman ruins in the city today. I still remember the shock when the course leader took us to an unassuming barbershop at Leadenhall Market to show us the Roman remains downstairs – a brick wall that was part of London's Roman Basilica built in 70 AD.
Apart from the study, of course, I was doing all those touristy things. But among all, Barbican is always the most memorable place in London because of its brutalist architecture style, how it resembles Hong Kong, and its amazing performing arts all year round. Outside the UK, I went to several other countries and saw dozens of stunning sunsets across Europe. While enjoying these beautiful views, I couldn’t help but wonder – is getting busy, being famous, and gaining lots of money the only route to being happy?
Now, whenever I see people in such a hurry on the street, I learn to calm down and remind myself, “This is just one way of living among countless other possibilities, and there is always more to learn and explore.”