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Prospective Students
BA in Translation

Applicable to students admitted in 2023-24

Major Programme Requirement

Students are required to complete a minimum of 69 units of courses as follows:
1. Faculty Package: 9 Units
  Any 3 courses from:  
  ANTH1020, ARTS1005, BMBL1001, CHES1101 or 1102, CHLL1900 or 1902 or 1903, CUMT1000, CURE1000, 1110, ENGE1000, FAAS1900, HIST1000 or 1700 or 1701, JASP1090, LING1000, MUSC1000, PHIL1110, THEO1000  
2. Required Courses:  
(a) TRAN1010, 1030, 2070, 2610 12 Units
(b) Any 2 capstone courses from:
TRAN4510, 4520, 4900 [a]
6 Units
3. Elective Courses: 42 Units
  Students are required to complete 42 units of elective courses from the following lists of courses, including at least one course from each of Electives Cluster A and Electives Cluster B:  
(a) Electives Cluster A (Translation Studies):  
  TRAN2120, 3080,3720, 4070, 4210  
(b) Electives Cluster B (Interpreting):  
  TRAN2140, 2150, 2240, 2250, 3240  
(c) Other electives:  
  TRAN1120, 1130, 2020, 2050, 2110, 2130, 2840, 3170, 3180, 3270, 3280, 3620, 3800, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3844, 3845, 3850, 3860, 3870, 3880, 3890, 4800, 4840 and unselected courses from Clusters A and B.  
  Total: 69 units
Explanatory Notes:
1. TRAN courses at 2000 and above level will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.
2. Translation Major students are expected to be proficient in both English and Chinese. Students may therefore wish to consider taking courses that emphasize writing and speaking skills as part of their free electives, on top of the major programme requirement. Listed below are courses for reference:
  Course for writing skills in Chinese
  • CHLL3403 Creative Writing
  Course for oral expression skills in Cantonese
  • CHLT1302 Oral Communication Skills
  Courses for oral expression skills in Putonghua
  • CLCP3703 Advanced Putonghua
  • CLCP4713 Current Affairs and Discussion
  • CLCP4723 Academic Presentation and Discussion
  Courses for writing skills in English
  • ENGE3260 Creative Writing
  • ELTU3413 Research Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  Courses for oral expression skills in English
  • ENGE2100 Research and Oral Reporting
  • ELTU3502 Essentials of Public Speaking
[a] For those students who have chosen TRAN4900 Translation Thesis, the language used in writing the thesis should be different from the target language of their translation project for TRAN4510/4520 (e.g. if the student writes the TRAN4900 thesis in English, s/he must take TRAN4510 Translation Project: English-Chinese for Final Year Project).
Note on Double Major Linguistics-Translation:
1. Translation Major student who pursues a second Major in Linguistics can be exempted from taking LING3401 by taking TRAN2610. Units earned can be counted towards both Major Programmes.

Recommended Course Pattern

1. Upon conversion to the new curriculum in 2010, the typical load for each term should be 15 units (as a matter of advice) and the maximum load should be 18 units (as a matter of regulation).
2. Sufficient units should be allowed in each term for students to fulfill the University Core Requirements, which include: (i) 5 units of Chinese; (ii) 8 units of English; (iii) 19 units of General Education; (iv) 2 units of Physical Education; (v) 1 unit of Understanding China; (vi) 1 unit of Hong Kong in the Wider Constitutional Order; and (vii) 3 units of Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking, as already listed in the template below.
3. Programmes with different streams/concentrations are required to provide the recommended pattern for each stream/concentration.
(Click to open in new window)
1. TRAN courses at level 2000 and above will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.
2. FYP options: TRAN4510 + 4520 / TRAN4510 + 4900 (E) / TRAN4520 + 4900 (C)
3. Major electives should include at least one course from each of Cluster A and Cluster B courses.
4. According to the General Regulations of the University, under normal circumstances, a student shall take at least 9 units and no more than 18 units of courses in any term within the normative study period.

Course List


Required Courses (3 units each)

Code Course Title Offered Every Year Cluster A/B Outline
TRAN1010 Principles of Translation    
TRAN1030 Introduction to Interpreting    
TRAN2070 Introduction to Translation Studies    
TRAN2610 Introduction to Computer-aided Translation    
TRAN4510 Translation Project: English-Chinese    
TRAN4520 Translation Project: Chinese-English    
TRAN4900 Translation Thesis    

Elective Courses (3 units each)

Code Course Title Offered Every Year Cluster A/B Outline
TRAN1120 Basic Skills of Translation    
TRAN1130 Textual Analysis and Readings    
TRAN2020 Writing Skills and Translation    
TRAN2050 Lexicography and Translation    
TRAN2110 Culture and Translation    
TRAN2120 History of Translation   A  
TRAN2130 Language Studies for Translation    
TRAN2140 Simultaneous Interpreting: Putonghua-English   B  
TRAN2150 Simultaneous Interpreting: Cantonese-English   B  
TRAN2240 Consecutive Interpreting: Putonghua-English B  
TRAN2250 Consecutive Interpreting: Cantonese-English B  
TRAN2840 Introduction to Legal Translation    
TRAN3080 Research Methodology in Translation Studies   A  
TRAN3170 Literary Translation Strategies: Chinese-English      
TRAN3180 Genres in Literary Translation: Chinese-English      
TRAN3240 Court Interpreting   B  
TRAN3270 Literary Translation Strategies: English-Chinese      
TRAN3280 Genres in Literary Translation: English-Chinese      
TRAN3800 Arts Translation      
TRAN3810 Government and Public Affairs Translation    
TRAN3820 Commercial Translation      
TRAN3830 Mass Media Translation    
TRAN3844 Translation of Legal Documents in Judicial Procedure      
TRAN3845 Translation of General Legal Documents      
TRAN3850 Science and Technology Translation      
TRAN3860 Film and Television Subtitles Translation    
TRAN3870 Translation of Texts in the Social Sciences      
TRAN3880 Public Relations Translation      
TRAN3890 Financial Translation    
TRAN4070 Advanced Translation Studies   A  
TRAN4120^ Studies in Chinese Translation History   A  
TRAN4210 Translation Criticism   A  
TRAN4800 Professional Development of Translators and Interpreters      
TRAN4840 Advanced Legal Translation      

Faculty Package (3 units)

Code Course Title Offered Every Year Cluster A/B Outline
TRAN1000 Lost and Found: Meaning, Practice, and Creativity in Translation    
^ Course cancelled effective 2023-24 academic year