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Prospective Students
LLB - BA (Translation) - Double Degree

Applicable to students admitted in 2023-24
Jointly offered by the Department of Translation and the Faculty of Law, the LLB - BA(Translation) double degree is a highly flexible option designed to prepare students to qualify as practising lawyers while leaving the door open to other career choices along the way.

1. Basic Structure

LLB students will earn an undergraduate degree in law in the normal four years plus, after an additional year, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Translation (the "4+1" model). Those who decide not to take the fifth year will graduate with the LLB degree and (subject to completing a specified number of courses) a Minor in Translation. Students who need time to pursue other career options after completion of the first degree may defer the second degree for up to three years.

2. Admission Requirements to Double Degree Option

Law students may apply for the double degree option towards the end of their first year of study. For details, please consult the Faculty of Law.

3. Study Scheme

1st Degree: Bachelor of Laws
Students should refer to the website at http://www.law.cuhk.edu.hk/ for up-to-date information on the LLB Programme.
2nd Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Translation)
Major Programme Requirement
Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 units of courses as follows:
1. Required Courses:  
(a) TRAN1010, 1030, 2070, 2610 12 Units
(b) TRAN4510, 4520, 4900 [a] 6 Units
2. Elective Courses: 42 Units
  Students are required to complete 42 units of elective courses from the following lists of courses, including at least one course from each of Electives Cluster A and Electives Cluster B:  
(a) Electives Cluster A: Translation Studies  
  TRAN2120, 3080, 3720, 4070, 4210  
(b) Electives Cluster B: Interpreting  
  TRAN2140, 2150, 2240, 2250, 3240  
(c) Other Electives:  
  TRAN1120, 1130, 2020, 2050, 2110, 2130, 2840, 3170, 3180, 3270, 3280, 3620, 3800, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3844, 3845, 3850, 3860, 3870, 3880, 3890, 4800, 4840 and unselected courses from Clusters A and B.  
  Total: 60 units
Explanatory Notes:
1. TRAN courses at 2000 and above level will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.
2. Translation Major students are expected to be proficient in both English and Chinese. Students may therefore wish to consider taking courses that emphasize writing and speaking skills as part of their free electives, on top of the major programme requirement. Listed below are courses for reference:
  Course for writing skills in Chinese
  • CHLL3403 Creative Writing
  Course for oral expression skills in Cantonese
  • CHLT1302 Oral Communication Skills
  Courses for oral expression skills in Putonghua
  • CLCP3703 Advanced Putonghua
  • CLCP4713 Current Affairs and Discussion
  • CLCP4723 Academic Presentation and Discussion
  Courses for writing skills in English
  • ENGE3260 Creative Writing
  • ELTU3413 Research Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  Courses for oral expression skills in English
  • ENGE2100 Research and Oral Reporting
  • ELTU3502 Essentials of Public Speaking
[a] For those students who have chosen TRAN4900 Translation Thesis, the language used in writing the thesis should be different from the target language of their translation project for TRAN4510/4520 (e.g. if the student writes the TRAN4900 thesis in English, s/he must take TRAN4510 Translation Project: English-Chinese for Final Year Project).
Explanatory Notes on mutual recognition or exclusion:
1. The 13-unit non-law electives can be used to satisfy both the requirements of the first and second degrees.

4. Career Prospects

Law firms, government services, domestic and international non-government organizations (NGOs), as well as other translation, legal drafting and language-related professions.