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Prospective Students
MA in Translation (Full-time/Part-time)

Application for 2024-25 is now closed. Recruitment for 2025-26 will be open in September 2024. For details, please refer to Graduate School webpage at https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/programme/arts#ma-in-translation.
* Review of applications starts before the deadline and continues until all places are filled. Early application is strongly recommended.

A. Background

Established in 1984, the Master of Arts in Translation Programme has the longest history among all postgraduate translation programmes in Hong Kong. This two-year part-time or one-year full-time programme aims at enhancing students’ abilities in translation and interpretation.
The programme curriculum, designed to meet the changing needs of society, equips students with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and stresses interaction between teachers and students.

B. Admission Requirements

In addition to the general qualifications required for admission to the Graduate School, applicants need to have obtained a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university, or an equivalent professional qualification. Applicants are required to attend an interview.

C. Study Scheme

Applicable to students admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter
1. Coursework Requirement
Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 units of courses for graduation.
For Full-time Students
(a) Required courses: 9 Units
TRAN6001, 6002, 6003  
(b) Elective courses: 15 units
Any five courses to be chosen from the following:  
TRAN6101, 6102, 6103, 6104, 6106, 6107, 6108, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6114, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6119, 6120, 6205, 6206, 6207, 6208, 6305, 6306, 6307, 6308, 6601, 6811, 6821, 6823, 6824, 6825, 6910  
Total: 24 units
For Part-time Students
(a) Required courses: 9 Units
First Year of Attendance  
Second Year of Attendance  
1st Term: TRAN6002 or 6003  
2nd Term: TRAN6002 or 6003  
(b) Elective courses: 15 units
Any five courses to be chosen from the following:  
First to Second Years of Attendance  
TRAN6101, 6102, 6103, 6104, 6106, 6107, 6108, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6114, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6119, 6120, 6205, 6206, 6207, 6208, 6305, 6306, 6307, 6308, 6601, 6811, 6821, 6823, 6824, 6825  
Second Year of Attendance  
Total: 24 units
2. Other Requirements
(a) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Clause 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/.
(b) A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.
For study scheme from 2017-18 to 2022-23, please click HERE.

D. Course List

Code Course Title Units Remarks Outline
TRAN6001 Advanced Translation Studies 3 Required  
TRAN6002 E-C Translation Workshop 3 Required  
TRAN6003 C-E Translation Workshop 3 Required  
TRAN6101 Advanced Business Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6102 Financial Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6103 Introduction to Legal Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6104 Government & Public Affairs Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6106 Translation of Public Relations Writings 3 Elective  
TRAN6107 Mass Media Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6108 Translation of Subtitles 3 Elective  
TRAN6109 Science and Technology Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6110 Literary Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6111 Arts Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6112 Readings in Translated Works 3 Elective  
TRAN6113 History of Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6114 Translation Criticism 3 Elective  
TRAN6115 Translation Process and Methodology 3 Elective  
TRAN6116 Comparative Language Studies 3 Elective  
TRAN6117 Bilingual Editing Skills 3 Elective  
TRAN6119 Special Topics 3 Elective  
TRAN6120 Advanced Legal Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6205 Consecutive Interpreting I: C/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6206 Consecutive Interpreting II: C/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6207 Simultaneous Interpreting I: C/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6208 Simultaneous Interpreting II: C/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6305 Consecutive Interpreting I: P/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6306 Consecutive Interpreting II: P/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6307 Simultaneous Interpreting I: P/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6308 Simultaneous Interpreting II: P/E 3 Elective  
TRAN6601 Introduction to Computer-aided Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6811 Bilingual Lexicography 3 Elective  
TRAN6821 Computer Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6823 Terminology Management 3 Elective  
TRAN6824 Post-editing for Machine Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6825 Project Management for Computer-aided Translation 3 Elective  
TRAN6910 Research Seminar in Translation I 3 Elective  
Elective courses are quota courses and not all are offered every year.

E. Tuition Fee

Fee for admission in academic year 2024-25:
$148,000 per programme
a). Full-time (1 year)
$74,000 x 2 instalments
b). Part-time (2 years)
1st year: $37,000 x 2 instalments
2nd year: $37,000 x 2 instalments