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Prospective Students
Doctor of Philosophy (Full-time/Part-time)

A. Admission Requirements

In addition to the general qualifications required for admission to the Graduate School, applicants should have a Master's degree in Translation or in a related field. In the latter case the Division may require the student to complete preliminary coursework at graduate level. Applicants are required to submit a 5-page research proposal on or before the application deadline and attend an interview.
All applicants must also fulfil the 'English Language Proficiency Requirement' as stipulated by the Graduate School before being considered for admission. Please refer to the website of the Graduate School for details.

B. Study Scheme

Applicable to students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter
1. Coursework Requirement
Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 units of courses for graduation. If the Division deems it necessary, a student may be required to take specific courses as prescribed by the Division.
Required courses:
TRAN 8100 (to be taken each term until completion of thesis)
TRAN 6910 and 6920 (to be taken in the first or second year of attendance, depending on when the courses are offered)
The thesis monitoring course is listed below:
TRAN 8100
2. Qualifying Examination
Students must pass a qualifying examination before they can be promoted to Ph.D. candidature. The examination will consist of a written and an oral examination based upon the reading lists drawn up by the Division.
Students are allowed no more than two attempts at passing the qualifying examination. Any second attempt must come within six months of the first one.
Students are required to pass the qualifying examination within the maximum period stipulated below calculated from the date of admission:
With research Master’s: Full-time (24 months)
  Part-time (32 months)
3. Other Requirements
(a) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/.
(b) Students must also fulfill the additional Term Assessment Requirement of the Programme, unless special approval is granted by the Faculty Board.
(c) Students are required to achieve a minimum grade of “D” in the courses taken during the study in order to fulfill the graduation units and requirements, unless special approval is granted by the Faculty Board.
(d) Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
(e) Complete an Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) module on “Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/prodev/ipl.html.
(f) Complete an IPL module on “Research Data Management Training”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the website: https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/research/data. Students are required to complete and pass the module in their first year of studies. [Applicable to students admitted in 2022-23 and thereafter]
(g) Students are required to complete an online Research Ethics Training (RET) module on “Publication Ethics” offered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) and obtain a valid Publication Ethics Certificate for graduation. Relevant information can be accessed from the RET website at https://www.research-ethics.cuhk.edu.hk/web/.

C. Course List

Code Course Title Units Remarks Outline
TRAN6910 Research Seminar in Translation I 3 Required  
TRAN6920 Research Seminar in Translation II 3 Required  
TRAN8100 Thesis Supervision 3 Required  

D. Tuition Fee (2023-24)

Full-time: HK$42,100 per year
Part-time: HK$42,100 per year

E. Postgraduate Studentships & Grants (Applicable to full-time students)

- HK$18,360/month for non-HKPFS awardees (in 2023-24)
- HK$27,600/month for HKPFS awardee (in 2023-24)
- Conference/Travel Grants