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Prospective Students
BA in Translation and Linguistics (Double Major)

Applicable to students admitted in 2023-24

Study Scheme

Students are required to complete a minimum of 90 units of courses as follows:
1. Faculty Package: 9 Units
  LING1000 and any two courses from:  
  ANTH1020, ARTS1005, BMBL1001[a], CHES1101 or 1102, CHLL1900 or 1902 or 1903, CUMT1000, CURE1000, 1110, ENGE1000, FAAS1900, HIST1000 or 1700 or 1701, JASP1090, MUSC1000, PHIL1110, THEO1000  
2. Required Courses:  
  1st Major: Translation 12 Units
(a) TRAN1010, 1030, 2070, 2610  
  2nd Major: Linguistics  
(b) LING1001[b] or 1002[b], 1003, 2003#, 2004#, 2005#, 2006#, 2007#, 2008 24 Units
3. Elective Courses:  
  1st Major: Translation 27 Units
(a) Students are required to complete 27 units of elective courses from the following list of courses, including at least one course from each of Electives Cluster A and Electives Cluster B:  
  Electives Cluster A: Translation Studies  
  TRAN2120, 3080, 3720, 4070, 4210  
  Electives Cluster B: Interpreting  
  TRAN2140, 2150, 2240, 2250, 3240  
  Other Electives  
  TRAN1120, 1130, 2020, 2050, 2110, 2130, 2840, 3170, 3180, 3270, 3280, 3620, 3800, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3844, 3845, 3850, 3860, 3870, 3880, 3890, 4800, 4840 and unselected courses from Clusters A and B.  
  2nd Major: Linguistics 12 Units
(b) Four courses from the three areas below, with at least one course from each area:  
(i) Core Linguistics  
  BMBL2001, 2002, 2003, LING3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3107, 3108, 4401  
(ii) Language and Mind  
  BMBL4001, LING3201, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3206, 3207, 4201, 4202  
(iii) Language and Culture, and Linguistic Applications  
  BMBL1001[a], 3001, 3002, LING2301, 3208, 3403, 4402  
4. Research Component/ Capstone Course/ Final Year Project: 6 Units
(a) TRAN4900  
(b) TRAN4510 or 4520  
  Total: 90 Units
Explanatory Notes:
1. TRAN courses at 2000 and above level as well as those labeled as # will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.
2. Students may be required to participate in activities such as field trips and study tours that foster their learning of linguistics. Students are responsible for part of or all the costs incurred in relation to these activities.
3. Students are encouraged to learn a modern language or take courses, as part of their free electives, in a discipline relevant to a translation area in which the student would like to specialize after graduation.
[a] If the course is not taken to fulfill requirement 1, it may be taken as an elective course for fulfillment of requirement 3(b)(iii).
[b] The course not taken to fulfill requirement 2(b) may be taken as a free elective course.

Recommended Course Pattern
1. A student shall take at least 9 units and no more than 18 units of courses in any term within the normative study period. A student shall take no more than 6 units of courses in each summer session, and no student shall be allowed to take more than 39 units in an academic year.
2. Sufficient units should be allowed in each term for students to fulfill the University Core Requirements, which include: (i) 5 units of Chinese; (ii) 8 units of English; (iii) 19 units of General Education; (iv) 2 units of Physical Education; (v) 1 unit of Understanding China; (vi) 1 unit of Hong Kong in the Wider Constitutional Order; and (vii) 3 units of Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking, as already listed in the template below.
3. Programmes with different streams/concentrations are required to provide the recommended pattern for each stream/concentration.
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Course List


1st Major: Translation

Students should refer to our website for up-to-date information on the Translation Programme.

2nd Major: Linguistics

Students should refer to the website at https://ling.cuhk.edu.hk/programmes/undergraduate-programme/major-programme-in-linguistics/ for up-to-date information on the Linguistics Programme.
[#] Courses labeled as # will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.